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Sony Music West Africa: YCee Wins For Young Artistes

When YCee took to the social media to call out Michael Ugwu, the Nigerian representative of Sony Music (West Africa), for reaping him off, a lot of people felt that his action was the rant of another ungrateful artiste.

This is because there is a general believe that young ungrateful artistes in the music industry don’t like to honour their contract.

However, they soon realized that the singer had a point or two to prove.

Recently Tinny Entertainment, YCee's record label confirmed the cancellation of their distribution contract with Sony Music (West Africa) saying that they were not getting back what the deal actually promised. For one the artiste was not getting the international exposure the contract promised.

For several young artistes, the move by the label was indeed a good one not only considering YCee’s inability to benefit from what was once thought to be a promising deal, but because it was a clarion call to young artistes to walk out of unproductive contracts.

While the exact details of the contract signed between Tinny Entertainment and Sony Music remains a secret, it is indeed a breath of fresh air that YCee and the many other artistes in contracts of bondage can break free and do their thing.

Years back, critics of music artistes Brymo were quick to judge him for not respecting his contract with Chocolate City, saying that the label had spent a lot on him, while this might have been true, it is not only the artiste who has a responsibility to holdup his or her part of a contract, as the company be it a record label or distribution company should also give what it promises.

It is becoming too common to find labels trying desperately to hold on to their acts despite running out of contract. A case of G-Worldwide Entertainment and Kiss Daniel is an example. As much as labels and distribution companies want to reap the dividends of their investment, there is the need for them to also meet their responsibilities.

If YCee's contract cancellation will lead to another court case in the music industry remains to be seen, however for now young and aspiring artistes can take comfort in this fresh breath of air knowing that they don't have to be anyone's slave.

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